Membership Rules


  • All graded students must train a minimum of eight times a month, 50% of which should be Kata.
  • All students must attend the training sessions held on the same day of the grading, irrespective of whether or not they are grading.
  • All students and especially Dan grades should make every effort to support the club by attending the training courses held by the Association.

Dojo Etiquette

  • Correct Dojo etiquette must be observed at all times.


  • Students below Brown Belt who wish to grade must have a minimum of 26 lessons since the last grading.
  • Students who attended an Open Day that occurred after their last grading, may also count this attendance as three lessons.
  • There must be a minimum of three months between Kyu gradings below 3rd Kyu, a minimum of six months between 4th & 3rd, 3rd & 2nd and 2nd & 1st Kyu, and one year between 1st Kyu and Shodan.
  • All Brown Belts must train a minimum of twice a week.
  • Students may not grade without a current licence.

Licences And Insurance

  • All practising Karate-ka whatever grade must hold a current licence.
  • All Instructors must have current insurance & DBS check.

Termination Of Membership

  • Students who fail to attend for a period of thirty days and have not informed or contacted the Club Secretary or Dojo Captain shall have their membership terminated automatically.
  • Any member found to be of unsuitable character and likely to bring dishonour to the club or Association shall have their membership terminated.
  • The Instructor, Secretary, and Dojo Captain reserve the right to refuse membership to any persons they consider unsuitable.
  • Students who wish to leave the club to join another, should out of courtesy inform the Club Secretary and also the Instructor.

Outside The Dojo

  • Members have a responsibility to behave in a manner which maintains and enhances the reputation of the Club and Association, and to refrain from any form of behaviour that may reflect badly on their fellow students or Instructors.