Black Belt Code Of Conduct

  • Dan Grades are expected to be exemplars in good behaviour in and around the dojo, and elsewhere as much as possible since they are considered to be ambassadors for SHOTO. Please remember that without appropriate behaviour and your support the club(s) will find it very difficult to maintain the standards that SHOTO advocates.
  • Dan grades must set a good example by demonstrating the appropriate etiquette:
  • Always act with decorum.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before the lesson start time; punctuality is a sign of sincerity.
  • Always make sure your gi is clean and in good order, and remove all jewellery including wedding rings, ear-rings, watches and fit-bits.
  • Always address senior instructors by their title i.e., Sensei, rather than by name.
  • Always show senior instructors due respect e.g. by bowing first to them.
  • Always return the bow when entering or leaving the dojo.
  • By not standing around talking in the Dojo. If there is communication, it should be done quietly.
  • When teaching be positive and encouraging to students; do not make them feel inferior.
  • Never talk down to junior grades; treat them as you would want to be treated.
  • Dan grades must also train:
  • At least twice a week if they do not own a club.
  • Club owners must train at least once a week in addition to teaching: to teach one must also train.
  • Dan grades must be aware of and act in accordance with their responsibilities to others:
  • They should familiarise themselves with SHOTO’s safeguarding policies (
  • Ensure that any training/stamina/stretching etc. exercises and karate practice takes into account variations in abilities across age range, etc., in order to minimise injuries.
  • Dan grades must support the SHOTO organisation:
  • Dan grades should (and are expected to) attend all Open Days and Black & Brown Belt courses.
  • Dan grades should (and are expected to) attend all social functions, such as the Annual Dinner.
  • Dan grades as a matter of respect should have the courtesy to inform the Club Secretary in advance if they cannot attend classes, courses, open days and social functions.

Updated January 2025